Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend Review

Lets see... this weekend was a lot of fun, and was just busy the whole time. I like weekends like that so much more, and really every day like that, because I don't have to worry about that feeling of just wasting time. I had a conversation with my friend the other day who says he gets that feeling whenever he sleeps past like 8am on weekends! Now I may never enjoy waking up early, but he's right, you get to be much more productive that way. Plus the afternoon naps are more enjoyable this way.

Friday night I went to "Friday Night Fights" with my friend Jesse. He is one of the funniest, and perhaps most offensive people I've ever met. He just keeps me laughing nonstop. These fights were Muay Thai Kickboxing, and were pretty entertaining. Unfortunately we didn't get there early enough to get seats so had to stand the whole time. When we got tired of standing, we headed to Bryan's and just hung out for the night.

Saturday I went to the Union Square Farmer's Market (See post below) and hung out with my friend Jake. I ran my frozen meat home, played some poker, and then headed back into the city for the night for Bryan's best friend Buddha's birthday. We went out to Bryan's club Red Velvet and hung out there. There was this group of like 50 yr olds that would not leave us alone even though we had a big group and wanted nothing to do with them. I beleive Bryan's roomate Joe may have hooked up with several of them, but he refuses to comment. He has an interesting point of view. He claims to have very high standards, just not the ability to stick to them. I also heard this weekend, "If they can get it up, they can have it."

Sunday I headed home and went to the open gym without really a plan, but just felt the need to get some aggression and sweat out the weekend. I did 2 nasty couplets, the first being 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of wallballs and pullups, but didn't time that one. Then with with Craig (owner/trainer) we did 5 rounds of 5 95lb snatch and 10 box jumps. The snatches are pretty easy, but I HATE box jumps and am really slow with them. A workout like this is really awesome beause its all mental. It's short enough that endurance won't be a factor. Its light enough that strength won't be an issue. This makes it so much worse because your lungs and heart just burn because you are able to exert maximum intensity for an extend period of time. I finished in 4 minutes exactly and he finished in 3 minutes. Later I took the giant farm tractor trailer and starting hitting it with a sledge hammer. It sounds rediculous but is one of the most gratifying experiences you can imagine. It's animalistic and aggressive all rolled into slamming a giant hammer as hard as you can into something. I then decided flipping the tire would be a good idea, much like they do on late night ESPN 4's worlds strongest man competitions. That also was incredibly rewarding and also quite fun.

After that was some FIFA with friends, which for some reason i totally love even though I hate the sport of soccer. After we headed to see Robin Hood at the new theatre in Hoboken. The place is tucked away and could easily get passed by but was actually really nice. Robin Hood was good, and can best be described as gladiator 2. It really was, down to the speach and marcus aurelious dude. I stopped by the Hoboken high school football field where our gym had a football game. After seeing that we had the game in the bag (I'm a superstar cheerleader!) I headed over to a bbq. I was sort of late but i got to see my friends Jeff and Jess who I hadn't seen for a while. By the time I headed home I was tired and ready for bed.

In other news I'm stoked that I start baseball tonight. I coach an 8 year old little league all star team with my Dad every summer. It's so much fun and I love doing it. This age is great to teach baseball because many of the kids we coach have never even played with a hard ball before, and at the end of the season are ready to play with kids 4 years older than them. So it's the gym, then figuring out how to entertain 25 kids while we do a parents meeting. Burpee contest? Perhaps.. perhaps...

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